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Sunday School – 9:45 a.m.


Morning Worship Service – 11:00 a.m.



THIS WEEK’S SERMON                                                          THIS WEEK’S BULLETIN


What We Offer

We Have Something For Everyone


At Zion you are invited to worship in a warm and friendly atmosphere. We strive to demonstrate a high degree of excellence for God’s glory and to inspire everyone to achieve excellence in all areas of their lives, ministry, and careers. We present the Biblical world view which directs both the worship and our lifestyle lived outside the church doors. Through the teaching of Biblical principles in messages relevant to today’s living, we aim to help everyone become more aware of God’s presence, to grow in a relationship with Him, and to enrich lives so that all may reach their God ordained potential. We are challenged weekly to carry our faith beyond the walls of the church and into our daily walk with the Lord; to offer care, tangible love and support to our fellow Christians, our neighbors and friends.
You are welcome to join us as we worship each week through singing choruses, hymns and contemporary songs, praying, giving, and listening to the Word of God being preached.

Prayer Meeting – Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Child care for nursery through age seven is provided during our morning worship service. Children are dismissed part way through the service to well staffed areas allowing for a quieter atmosphere during the morning message.


One of God’s greatest provisions for us is His written word, The Holy Bible. Each week our Sunday worship service includes a message to help us understand God’s word and how to apply it to our lives. The messages are always relevant to living in this world while recognizing God’s sovereignty.  When we are faithful to listen to God, and apply His wisdom and direction to our lives we pave the way for Him to act powerfully in and through us.

Check out our Upcoming Events  page for opportunities to become involved.